"It is not the strongest of the species that survive, nor the most intelligent, but the one most responsive to change!" - Charles Darwin

Wednesday, 6 November 2013

Self-organized team setup: how to cook it!

Today I have the pleasure to host an article from my friend Mauro Bagnato. It's an interesting post around self-organization and what it takes to make it happen and working functionally to achieve a compelling goal. 

What does self-organized team setup mean?

Put a hundred people together in the same room, ask them to form twelve teams and wait till the magic happens!
Sounds quite easy, fun and fast, right?
So…why don’t we try it tomorrow morning in our organization?

Unfortunately it does not happen that way; you need to mix together the right ingredients in the right quantity and with the right timing.

If you want, here is my recipe: 
  1. Start with a massive quantity of the Lean discipline Respect People: trust them, let them decide and truly believe that, given the goal, they will find the best way to get there. 
  2. Keep on shaking the whole organization (starting from the leadership team) to be sure that this fundamental ingredient is very well spread and understood by everyone.
  3. Now mix with a purpose, a goal that WE, as a collective, strive to achieve. Take it very carefully, because only a common and inspiring goal may overcome the inevitable selfish choices that may occur during the team setup: we’re not here to build only one marvelous team, we’re not here to fulfill only our personal aspirations, but we are here to work TOGETHER to build a brand new organization setup that will take all of us close to our goal. That’s our mantra!
  4. Don’t forget just a pinch of organization constraints: a very few rules the teams have to respect while forming.
  5. Now blend everything together in a whole day event where the initial chaos, due to a hundred people moving, chatting and laughing, will turn step by step into twelve groups of people (the future teams) ready to cope with all the challenges they will face.
  6. Don’t forget that good ingredients are not enough to have a perfect flavor. You need the right cooking time and procedures as well: in our case coaching and communication. Involving the whole organization during the preparation, keeping everyone informed, letting everyone understand what we’re doing (and above all why we’re doing it that way), challenging the current way of thinking are definitely what we need for a perfect flavor.
And now enjoy!

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