As you might know, different levels of planning apply to an
Agile SW development (actually, beyond what you can see in the picture, you
have also the Sprint Planning and the Daily Planning).

It’s a Rolling Wave Planning approach, where
upfront planning is reduced to the minimum indispensable, to what is “just
enough, just in time”.
As one can see, despite the myth about Agile meaning “coding
with no planning”, there’s probably much more planning in Agile than in a
waterfall approach.
In preparing for battle, I have always found that plans are useless but
planning is indispensable.
-Dwight D. Eisenhower
Last week we experimented a new way of Roadmap planning,
aiming at understanding what will probably be contained in the coming releases.
So far this kind of planning had always been done mainly by
the business guys, based on their level of understanding of customer
requirements, their perception of the possible solutions and partly on wishful
This time we decided to do it differently, trying to take
decisions or at least draw possible scenarios based on facts as much as possible.
Once again the best recipe turned out to be a collaborative approach.
The decision was to call for a 4-hours workshop (it was
actually 2 slots of 2 hours each) attended by the Product Managers, the Product
Owner Team and a bunch of system architects.
The Product Managers brought to the workshop a list of
prioritized requirements to analyze.
We decided to dedicate no more than a defined time-box to
each requirement in priority order, so that we did not spend more time than
strictly necessary at this very early stage of understanding.
The time-box was divided in 3 parts:
1. 1/3rd
to explain the requirement and clarify background and business value
2. 1/3rd
to sketch possible MMFs or epics
3. 1/3rd
to estimate the MMF or epics, a relative estimation using as a baseline the
actual story points spent by our teams to deliver the MMFs in the last 2
Everything was done collectively. After the workshop, given
the number of sprints contained in the coming releases, the PO
team did a date first planning, by considering the actual velocity statistics
of our organization.
Based on that, we determined scope scenarios for the coming
releases, considering the worst and the best cases in our recent history.
The feedback from participants and stakeholders both on the
approach and the outcome was pretty good and I must say it looks very promising
to me as an Agile coach.
At least it meant providing “just enough, just in time”
information (even if rough) based on the current knowledge and understanding of
requirements and above all on real data coming from our actual historical
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